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Modeling and Analysis of Series-Series and Series-Parallel Combined Topology for Wireless Power Transfer using Multiple Coupling Coefficients
Masood Rehman, Zuhairi Baharudin, Perumal Nallagownden, Badar ul Islam, M. Z. Ur Rehman
Vol. 17 No. 11 pp. 114-123
Power transfer efficiency analysis, Series-parallel-combined Topology, Wireless power transfer (WPT), Advanced Design System (ADS), Coupling Coefficient. Coil Structure.
Particle Swarm Optimization Technique Based Power Loss Reduction in Radial Distribution System
Mahesh Kumar, Amir Mahmood Soomro, Abdul Hakeem Memon, Perumal Nallagownden, Irraivan Elamvazuthi, Bhagwan Das
Vol. 18 No. 12 pp. 88-94
Optimal location and sizing, particle swarm optimization, wind assessment, distribution system.