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Particle Swarm Optimization Technique Based Power Loss Reduction in Radial Distribution System


Mahesh Kumar, Amir Mahmood Soomro, Abdul Hakeem Memon, Perumal Nallagownden, Irraivan Elamvazuthi, Bhagwan Das


Vol. 18  No. 12  pp. 88-94


Fossil fuel depletion, electricity demand increment and environment degradation shift the power system network to adopt distributed generation (DG) at local grids. The optimal integration of distributed generation witnesses many benefits. However, the non-optimal integration may deteriorate the existing operation. Therefore, this paper presents the methodology to optimally integrate the distributed generation in radial distribution system. The main aim is to reduce the power losses and improve the voltage profile using particle swarm optimization technique. The proposed technique is implied on benchmark IEEE 69 bus system and compared with many optimization algorithms. The overall results shows that the proposed method gives better results as compared to literature algorithms.


Optimal location and sizing, particle swarm optimization, wind assessment, distribution system.