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Modeling and Analysis of Series-Series and Series-Parallel Combined Topology for Wireless Power Transfer using Multiple Coupling Coefficients


Masood Rehman, Zuhairi Baharudin, Perumal Nallagownden, Badar ul Islam, M. Z. Ur Rehman


Vol. 17  No. 11  pp. 114-123


Wireless power transfer (WPT) using magnetic resonance coupling got significant importance in recent years. It is also known as a resonant wireless power transfer (RWPT). The efficiency of RWPT systems has appeared decreasing rapidly due to increase in distance between transmitters and receivers. Many circuit topologies have been employed for the efficiency improvement of RWPT system. This paper presents the modeling and efficiency analysis of RWPT system at different coupling coefficients using series-series (SS) and series-parallel (SP) combined topologies. Equations for power transfer efficiency are derived by circuit theory. In order to achieve the results, an Advanced Design System (ADS) software has been applied for analyzing the model. The model is tested by applying 48 V peak-to-peak input voltage. It is found that the efficiency of SP combined topology model is 77.669% at coupling coefficient of 0.0088, which is much better than SS topology model. Additionally, two coils structure of model is designed by Ansys software and coupling coefficient is calculated at different distances. It is found that at 12cm distance, the achieved coupling coefficient is 0.0088. Therefore, the model is appropriate for transferring power in centimeters range.


Power transfer efficiency analysis, Series-parallel-combined Topology, Wireless power transfer (WPT), Advanced Design System (ADS), Coupling Coefficient. Coil Structure.