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VCO Overload and Frequency Excursions: A non-linear Phenomenon in 2nd order Mixed Signal PLLs
Ehsan Ali, Nasreen Nizamani, Abdul Sattar Saand, Abdul Rafay Khatri, Ghulam Mustafa Bhutto
Vol. 17 No. 11 pp. 131-135
Phase locked loop, VCO, Overload, non-linear system, frequency jumps.
Impact of Buffer Size on UDP Performance for Real-Time Video Streaming Application
Sarfraz Ahmed Soomro, M. Mujtaba Shaikh, Abdul Fattah Chandio, Nasreen Nizamani
Vol. 18 No. 6 pp. 157-160
Buffer size, User Datagram Protocol, Video Streaming.
A survey on Bi-Directional Machine translation (MT) approaches of English/ Arabic Languages: Contributions and Limitations
Insaf Ali Simming, Nasreen Nizamani, Rubina Shaheen, Ali Siddiqui, Agha Kousar
Vol. 19 No. 7 pp. 6-15
Lingual Characteristics, historic perspectives, Arabic, English, MT contributions