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A survey on Bi-Directional Machine translation (MT) approaches of English/ Arabic Languages: Contributions and Limitations
Insaf Ali Simming, Nasreen Nizamani, Rubina Shaheen, Ali Siddiqui, Agha Kousar
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 7 pp. 6-15
Present work sketches a brief historic perspective of Machine Translation (MT) application within natural languages. It explores different types of translation approaches. Therefore, to comprehend the application of Machine Translation practically, Arabic and English languages were for study. However, the relation of translation between Arabic and English languages is dated back to early its eras of 1950s in USA. The history of machine translation has witnessed a continuous flux of successes and fails. After 1980s, the situation of translating English to Arabic languages experienced a remarkable era. Many of the achievements have been witnessed through various contributions from different academic disciplines. This paper has briefly stated about the contributions made in domains of constructive translation models, machine translation systems and computer software. It further explores about the true resources of online translation assistance for natural languages in shape of online and manual dictionaries as a practical representation to a conceptual framework of translation models that promotes its functionality worldwide. The significance of present study lies within a fact that it explicitly shows a hierarchal lineage of both languages taken as a sample of study. Secondly, the lingual characteristics of English and Arabic languages compared to each other that connect application with some challenges that are raised because of their striking contrasts. However, it gives an impetus for future researchers from various disciplines to explore many subtle paradigms within their respective subjects.
Lingual Characteristics, historic perspectives, Arabic, English, MT contributions