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What Makes APIs Difficult to Use?
Minhaz Fahim Zibran
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 255-261
Application programming interface, API design, API usability
An Enhanced Ant Algorithm for Grid Scheduling Problem
Kousalya.K, Balasubramanie.P
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 262-271
Grid computing, Grid Scheduling, Ant System, Heuristics
A Community-Based Peer-to-Peer Model Based on Social Networks
Amir Modarresi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, Norwati Mustapha
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 272-277
Peer-to-Peer computing, social network, community, Model
Tuning Algorithms for PID Controller Using Soft Computing Techniques
B.Nagaraj, S.Subha, B.Rampriya
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 278-281
Genetic algorithm, Evolutionary programming and particle swarm optimization