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Tuning Algorithms for PID Controller Using Soft Computing Techniques
B.Nagaraj, S.Subha, B.Rampriya
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 278-281
PID controllers are widely used in industrial plants because it is simple and robust. Industrial processes are subjected to variation in parameters and parameter perturbations, which when significant makes the system unstable. So the control engineers are on look for automatic tuning procedures. In this paper, the parameters of PID controller are tuned for controlling the armature controlled DC motor. Continuous cycling method & Z-N step response method are the conventional methods whose performance have been compared and analyzed with the intelligent tuning techniques like Genetic algorithm, Evolutionary programming and particle swarm optimization. GA, EP and PSO based tuning methods have proved their excellence in giving better results by improving the steady state characteristics and performance indices.
Genetic algorithm, Evolutionary programming and particle swarm optimization