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Reinforcement of A New Fuzzy Mixed Metric Approach Through Fuzzy Routing Algorithms
Shuchita Upadhayay, Mini Sharma
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 271-276
Fuzzy routing algorithm, routing model, mixed metrics, fuzzy logic, distributed networks
Optimization of MIMO Systems in a Correlated Channel
Jraifi Abdelouahed, El Hassan Saidi
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 277-282
MIMO system, Wireless communication, channel capacity, correlation matrix
Hardening of Pin Numbers of Automated Teller Machines
Eltayeb Salih Abuelyman
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 283-290
Automated Teller Machines, Personal Identification Number, Decimalization, Hardening, Modulo arithmetic
An Approach to ensure Security through Bit-level Encryption with Possible Lossless Compression
Pranam Paul, Saurabh Dutta, A K Bhattacharjee
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 291-299
cryptography, encryption, decryption, cipher, private key, symmetric key, plain text, cryptographic modeling