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Optimization of MIMO Systems in a Correlated Channel
Jraifi Abdelouahed, El Hassan Saidi
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 277-282
Motivated by the study of the optimization of the quality of service for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technique in a wireless communication system. The capacity of MIMO channel in independent Rayleigh channels grows linearly as the number of antennas. However, some limitations on the MIMO capacity is due to the correlation between individual sub-channels of the matrix channel. In this paper, we investigate the MIMO channel capacity in correlated channels using a new correlation matrix model. After some mathematical recalls we derive the general upper bound on the MIMO channel capacity. We give the analytical results, which measure the effect of correlation on the MIMO capacity for a proposal model. Then, we use the correlation matrix approach to compute the capacity of MIMO with respect to signal-to-noise (snr) and then predict the number of antennas. By fixing the snr variable to a specific value, we extract information on the optimal numbers of MIMO antennas. Finally, we have given the variation of the MIMO capacity in the limiting case of N?¡Ä for our proposal model and the exponential correlation matrix model.
MIMO system, Wireless communication, channel capacity, correlation matrix