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A Dynamic Locality Sensitive Hashing Algorithm for Efficient Security Applications
Mohammad Y. Khanafseh, Ola M. Surakhi
Vol. 24 No. 5 pp. 79-88
High Dimensional Data, Hash Function, Information Retrieval, Locality Sensitive Hashing, Nearest Neighbors Search, Similarity
Digital Technologies for Learning a Foreign Language in Educational Institutions
Olha Byriuk, Tetiana Stechenko, Nataliya Andronik, Oksana Matsnieva, Larysa Shevtsova
Vol. 24 No. 5 pp. 89-94
Digital technologies, education, learning language, foreign language.
Robust and Auditable Secure Data Access Control in Clouds
Vol. 24 No. 5 pp. 95-102
Robust and Auditable Secure Data, Access Control, Clouds
Agile Software Development Methodologies Evaluation Research Analysis: A review
Sadaf Niaz, Babar Hayat
Vol. 24 No. 5 pp. 103-110
Agile methods; scrum; Extreme programming (XP); DSDM; Crystal; Feature driven development component