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Supervisory control for Energy Management of Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid
Henda Ben Mansour , Lotfi Chaarabi, Khaled Jelassi, Josep M. Guerrero
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 355-363
Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid; Supervisory Controller; Energy Management System; Photovoltaic array; Wind Turbine; Battery. .
Blockchain-based Data Storage Security Architecture for e-Health Care Systems: A Case of Government of Tanzania Hospital Management Information System
Richard Mnyawi, Cleverence Kombe, Anael Sam, and Devotha Nyambo
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 364-374
Blockchain; Hyperledger Fabric; data storage security architecture; confidentiality; integrity.
Information Retrieval Systems: Between Morphological Analyzers and Systemming Algorithms
Afaf Abdel Rhman Mohamed, Chafika Ouni, Sarah Mustafa Eljack, and Fayez Alfayez
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 375-381
Arabic language, Information retrieval systems, Morphological analyzer, Stemming algorithms.
Distinction between HAPS and LEO Satellite Communications under Dust and Sand Storms Levels and other Attenuations
Kamal Harb
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 382-388
Dust and Sand (DU&SA), Gaseous Attenuations, Satellite Communications Networks, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), and Skillful Decision and Control System (SD&CS).