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Information Retrieval Systems: Between Morphological Analyzers and Systemming Algorithms
Afaf Abdel Rhman Mohamed, Chafika Ouni, Sarah Mustafa Eljack, and Fayez Alfayez
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 375-381
The main objective of an Information Retrieval System (IRS) is to obtain suitable information within a reasonable time to satisfy a user need. To achieve this purpose, an IRS should have a good indexing system that is based on natural language processing.In this context, we focus on the available Arabic language processing techniques for an IRS with the goal of contributing to an improvement in the performance. Our contribution consists of integrating morphological analysis into an IRS in order to compare the impact of morphological analysis with that of stemming algorithms.
Arabic language, Information retrieval systems, Morphological analyzer, Stemming algorithms.