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A Comparative Study of COVID-19 Detection Using Deep and Machine Learning Methods
Abdullah Sheneamer, Hanan Farahat, Ebtehal Hamdi, Mona Qahtani, and Bashyir Alkhairat
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 738-745
COVID-19; Coronavirus; Chest images; X-ray images; Deep learning; Machine learning.
Pneumonia Detection from Chest X-ray Images Based on Sequential Model
Asma Alshehri , Bayan Alharbi and Amirah Alharbi
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 53-58
X-ray images; pneumonia detection; image enhance
Precision in Action: COVID-19 Detection with Generalized Linear Classifier and Two Step-AS Algorithm
Ahmed Hamza Osman, Hani Moetque Aljahdali, Sultan Menwer Altarrazi, and Ahmad A Alzahrani
Vol. 24 No. 12 pp. 111-120
Generalized Liner model, Covid-19, Two Step-AS, Clustering, X-ray images