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Pneumonia Detection from Chest X-ray Images Based on Sequential Model


Asma Alshehri , Bayan Alharbi and Amirah Alharbi


Vol. 22  No. 4  pp. 53-58


Pneumonia is a form of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. According to the World Health Organization, pneumonia is the leading cause of death for children worldwide. As a result, pneumonia was the top killer of children under the age of five years old in 2015, which is 15% of all deaths worldwide. In this paper, we used CNN model architectures to compare between the result of proposed a CNN method with VGG based model archi-tecture. The model¡¯s performance in detecting pneumonia shows that the proposed model based on VGG can classify normal and abnormal X-rays effectively and more accurately than the proposed model used in this paper.


X-ray images; pneumonia detection; image enhance