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Performance Comparison of Voice Packet Sizes in the FIFO Adversarial Queuing and FIFO M/M/1 Model
Abdullah Muhammed, KyairulNiza Mohd Saleh, Azizol Abdullah
Vol. 8 No. 1 pp. 222-227
voice, FIFO queuing model, delay, packet loss, adversarial, M/M/1, optimum packet size
Doppler Algorithm for Modeling Sea Surface Current from RADARSAT-1 SAR Images
Maged Marghany and Mazlan Hashim
Vol. 8 No. 5 pp. 17-22
SAR, Doppler shift frequency model, Robust model, Surface current
Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DINSAR) for 3D Coastal Geomorphology Reconstruction
Maged Marghany, Mazlan hashim
Vol. 9 No. 5 pp. 59-63
DInSAR, interferogram, Fuzzy B-spline algorithm, 3D reconstruction
ODASARA: A Novel on Demand Ant Based Security Alert Routing Algorithm for MANET in Grid Environment
R.Rameshkumar, A.Damodaram
Vol. 10 No. 4 pp. 154-161