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Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DINSAR) for 3D Coastal Geomorphology Reconstruction


Maged Marghany, Mazlan hashim


Vol. 9  No. 5  pp. 59-63


This paper introduces a new method for three-dimensional (3D) coastal geomorphology reconstruction using differential synthetic aperture interferometry (DInSAR). The new method is based on an integration between fuzzy B-spline algorithm and DInSAR method. DInSAR algorithm is involved two parts: (i) 3D map simulation which is based on interferogram simulation and (ii) satellite orbit parameters. 3D coastal geomorphology reconstruction is realized by fuzzy B-spline algorithm with the midpoint displacement method and the terrain roughness. Consequently, fuzzy B-spline was used to eliminate topographic phase from the interferograms. The study shows the DInSAR technique provides information about coastal geomorphology change with accuracy of ¡¾ 0.1 m.


DInSAR, interferogram, Fuzzy B-spline algorithm, 3D reconstruction