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Burst Routing Planning for Optical Networks using the Association Rule Approach
I-Shyan Hwang, Chaochang Chiu, Ruey-Rong Su, Zen-Der Shyu
Vol. 6 No. 10 pp. 173-178
Optical Burst Switching, Association Rule, Knowledge Base
The Impact of Burst Switching on TCP Performance
JungYul Choi, Hai Le Vu, Craig Cameron, Moshe Zukerman, Minho Kang
Vol. 6 No. 11 pp. 146-151
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Optical Burst Switching (OBS), Burst Assembly Process, Fixed point
Performance Analysis of Optical Burst Switching High-Speed Network Architecture
Amit Kumar Garg, R S Kaler
Vol. 7 No. 4 pp. 292-301
Optical transport networks, Optical packet switching, Optical burst switching (OBS) and Resource-reservation.