The development of wavelength division multiplexing opens a new horizon in optical networks and promises to be one of the best solutions for the high demand of the bandwidth. However, with this technology, many problems arise, especially those related to the architecture to be used in optical networks to take advantage of the huge potential of this technique. Many approaches and architectures have been proposed in literatures to carry information in optical domain. Among them, optical burst switching (OBS) and wavelength routed network seems to be the most successful. We propose a new novel architecture that uses both methods in order to overcome the limitations imposed by each approach. The proposed architecture deploys bursty traffic in a hybrid fashion where implicitly predicted and explicitly pre-booked traffic are dynamically allocated reserved end-to-end paths, inheriting the spirit of conventional wavelength routing; whilst, the non-predicted traffic is transmitted via classical OBS reservation mechanism(s) with the best efforts support. The complete network structure along-with load-balancing prior reservation strategy is presented. Simulation results reveal the performance of the proposed work by examining the blocking probability and delay characteristics. The encouraging results provide stimulation for further work on optimal traffic placement, QoS provisioning, and various a-priori resource reservation strategies.