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Extended Time Petri Net and Hybrid Petri Net : Modeling Multi-Instance Dynamic Hybrid Systems
Yamen El Touati, Mohamed Ayari and Saleh Altowaijri
Vol. 18 No. 5 pp. 75-83
Hybrid Petri Nest, Time Petri Nets, Dynamic Hybrid Systems..
Minimization of Linear Constraints in Constant Slope Hybrid Dynamic Systems
Yamen El Touati
Vol. 18 No. 10 pp. 19-23
linear constraints, polyhedron, dynamic hybrid systems.
Application of Neuro-fuzzy System : A Literature Review
Abdullahi Yusuf Egwoh, Emmanuel Amano Onibere, Philip Oshiokhaimhele Odion
Vol. 18 No. 12 pp. 1-6
Fuzzy logic application, Hybrid systems, Neural networks, Adaptive Neuro fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS).
Modelling and Control of a Grid-connected Hybrid photovoltaic/wind/battery System Coupled to an AC Load
Mohamed Yassine Allani, Fernando Tadeo, Dhafer Mezghanni and Abdelkader Mami
Vol. 19 No. 5 pp. 184-194
Hybrid systems, renewable energies, batteries, single phase inverter, buck converter, high-gain dc-dc converter, bidirectional converter, fuzzy logic controller.