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Modelling and Control of a Grid-connected Hybrid photovoltaic/wind/battery System Coupled to an AC Load
Mohamed Yassine Allani, Fernando Tadeo, Dhafer Mezghanni and Abdelkader Mami
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 5 pp. 184-194
This paper describes the development and the optimization of a novel hybrid system (composed of photovoltaic panel, wind energy, converters and batteries), connected to the grid. To acquire the maximum power, two MPPT commands based on fuzzy logic are used. In addition, the control of the battery focuses on regulating the DC voltage. A high voltage gain DC-DC converter makes possible to increase the voltage supplied by the DC bus (24V) to a sufficient voltage for the inverter (aprox. 400V) and minimize power losses to ensure the maximum total efficiency of the chain. The use of single phase inverter controlled by VOC and a LCL filter allows to connect this hybrid system to the AC loads and the grid. For validation purposes, the system is modelled and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Results shows that the system can appropriately work in the climatic conditions variation like the wind speed and the radiation.
Hybrid systems, renewable energies, batteries, single phase inverter, buck converter, high-gain dc-dc converter, bidirectional converter, fuzzy logic controller.