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Parking management system using ZigBee
Sangmi Shim, Seungwoo Park, Seunghong Hong
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 131-137
RFID, ZigBee, Sensor network, 802.15.4 LR-WPAN
Two-Level ZigBee-4G Design for Secure and Efficient Communications in the Resources Constrained Military Environment
Marcin Szczodrak, Jinwoo Kim, Yuncheol Baek
Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 14-29
ZigBee, 4G, Military Environment, battlefield communication, MANET
A Study on Virtual Reality System Control using Multi-Display and Zigbee Sensor
Hyun-Cheol Lee , Jae-hong Joo, Eun-Seok Kim, Gi-Taek Hur
Vol. 8 No. 7 pp. 36-43
Simulation, Zigbee, Multi-display, Water
FPGA Based Speed Control of AC Servomotor Using Sinusoidal PWM
Kariyappa B. S, M. Uttara Kumari
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 346-350
Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)