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Two-Level ZigBee-4G Design for Secure and Efficient Communications in the Resources Constrained Military Environment


Marcin Szczodrak, Jinwoo Kim, Yuncheol Baek


Vol. 7  No. 10  pp. 14-29


The widely acknowledged problem of hostile and dynamic military environment introduces several new challenges for efficient and secure communications of coalition armies. Mobile Ad-hoc Network has been the subject of much research recently as a solution due to its dynamic and light weight infrastructure and 4G has been considered as a future of cellular communication systems to the commercial world for the past decade. In this paper, we explore and propose new light weight secure wireless network, ¡°4G-Zibee¡±, for future battlefield by combining MANET, 4G and light weight efficient wireless network protocol called Zigbee. We believe this paper also helps researches in this area to set the realistic guidelines by providing current and foreseeable future resource constraints in terms of power, bandwidth and memory.


ZigBee, 4G,Military Environment, battlefield communication, MANET