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Segmentation of Vessels in Fundus Images using Spatially Weighted Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm
Giri Babu Kande, T.Satya Savithri, P.V.Subbaiah
Vol. 7 No. 12 pp. 102-109
fundus, fuzzy c-means, matched filter, retina, vessel detection
New Verification Method Based on Rotation Invariant Moments
Amin Dehghani, Aboozar Moradi, Maryam Dehghani
Vol. 12 No. 9 pp. 102-106
Verification method; retinal images; rotation invariant moment; DRIVE and STARE database
Detection of Exudates in Retinal Images Based on Computational Intelligence Approach
R.Sri Ranjini, M.Devaki
Vol. 13 No. 2 pp. 86-89
Fuzzy c-means (FCMs), Gabor filters, neural networks, retinal exudates, thresolding
Detection of Exudates in Retinal Images based on Computational Intelligence Approach
R.SriRanjini, M.Devaki
Vol. 13 No. 3 pp. 73-79
Fuzzy c-means (FCMs), Gabor filters, neural networks, retinal exudates, thresolding.