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Segmentation of Vessels in Fundus Images using Spatially Weighted Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm


Giri Babu Kande, T.Satya Savithri, P.V.Subbaiah


Vol. 7  No. 12  pp. 102-109


This paper presents an algorithm for the extraction of Blood Vessels from Fundus images using Matched filter and Thresholding based on Spatially Weighted Fuzzy c-Means (SWFCM) clustering algorithm. Such a tool should prove useful to eyecare specialists for purposes of patient screening, treatment, and clinical study. We make use of a set of linear filters sensitive to vessels of different orientation and thickness. Such filters are obtained as linear combinations of properly shifted Gaussian kernels. The Spatially Weighted Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm is formulated by incorporating the spatial neighborhood information into the standard FCM clustering algorithm. An experimental evaluation demonstrates superior performance over global thresholding and a vessel detection methods recently reported in the literature. Due to its simplicity and general nature, our proposed algorithm is expected to be applicable to a variety of other applications.


fundus, fuzzy c-means, matched filter, retina, vessel detection