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Investment Support for the Digitalization of the Economy in the Context of International Economic Relations
Volodymyr Ortynskyi, Larysa Kurnosenko, Ilona Androshchuk, Violeta Tohobytska, Oleksii Zaiarniuk,
Vol. 22 No. 6 pp. 813-819
. digitalization, international economic relations, investment support, economy, the innovation sphere.
Political and Legal Aspects of the Transformation of the Content and Forms of Education Under the Pressure of the Pandemic
Viacheslav Serhieiev, Viktoriia Zahurska-Antoniuk, Andrii Kobetiak, Roman Yemelianov, Violeta Tohobytska
Vol. 22 No. 10 pp. 131-136
Legal aspects, education, pandemic, COVID-19, forms of education.