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Investment Support for the Digitalization of the Economy in the Context of International Economic Relations
Volodymyr Ortynskyi, Larysa Kurnosenko, Ilona Androshchuk, Violeta Tohobytska, Oleksii Zaiarniuk,
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 6 pp. 813-819
The intensification of the implementation of the latest management technologies at all levels of the economic system requires the diversification of existing practices and institutional forms, revealing the fundamental heterogeneity of the economic environment for the production and commercial activities of a construction company. The rapid development of technologies, large-scale globalization, innovation are the determinants of the transformation of existing methodologies for managing economic systems by incorporating the imperatives of modern concepts, which will contribute to the formation of an effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency level of production and economic systems based on the digital economy. The development of a digital interaction format and its coverage of the vast majority of investors and recipients significantly expands the ability to implement the investment process in the innovation sphere by reducing transaction costs, increasing competitiveness, and ensuring the ability to involve small and medium-sized companies in innovation activities. Thus, the main task of the study is to analyze the investment support for the digitalization of the economy in the context of international economic relations. As a result of the study, current trends and prerequisites for investment support for the digitalization of the economy in the context of international economic relations were revealed.
. digitalization, international economic relations, investment support, economy, the innovation sphere.