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An Intelligent Mesh Based Multicast Routing Algorithm for MANETs using Particle Swarm Optimization
E. Baburaj, V. Vasudevan
Vol. 8 No. 5 pp. 214-218
multicasting, routing protocols, MANETs, ODMRP, PSO, reliability, transmission rate, overheads
Exploring TCP/IP Performance for Wireless Networks with multi-agent system
B. Sasikumar, V. Vasudevan
Vol. 8 No. 9 pp. 321-326
latency, performance, RETSINA agent, UTSAF agent, JADE agent, TCP, throughput, wireless networks.
Evolutionary Approach for Network Anomaly Detection Using Effective Classification
A.Chandrasekar, V. Vasudevan, P. Yogesh
Vol. 9 No. 1 pp. 296-302
IDS, PSO, PSO-SVM, Anomaly detection
Enhancing Security and Authentication System for Multi-WSN based Hybrid Blockchain and IoT Environment using ECDSA with Keccak Hashing Algorithms.
P. Velmurugadass, Dr. S. Dhanasekaran, Dr. V. Vasudevan
Vol. 24 No. 11 pp. 170-178
IoT, Blockchain, Multi-WSN, ECDSA Security and Hashing.