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An Intelligent Mesh Based Multicast Routing Algorithm for MANETs using Particle Swarm Optimization
E. Baburaj, V. Vasudevan
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 5 pp. 214-218
Multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are emerging for wireless group communication which includes application such as multipoint data dissemination and multiparty conferencing which made the analytical design and development of the MANETs in a very efficient manner. For MANETs there are several multicast routing protocols are available, but they perform well under specific scenarios only. The topology of a MANET changes adequately due to the random mobility of network nodes, unlike the wired network which is static. Due to the lack of redundancy in multipath and multicast structures, the multicast routing protocols are vulnerable to the component failure in ad-hoc networks. Due to this fact, route selection becomes a tragedy in MANETs. So it is the dire need to optimize the route selection. PSO is an optimizing tool and its key factors that determine the performance of PSO is by the well designed architecture of particles and procedures in the intelligent algorithm. In this paper we attempt to propose a new PSO based On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (PSO-ODMRP), which improves the performance in the routing messages. PSO-ODMRP is well suited for mobile ad hoc networks where the topology changes frequently and power is constrained. We evaluate PSO-ODMRP performance under various realistic scenarios.
multicasting, routing protocols, MANETs, ODMRP, PSO, reliability, transmission rate, overheads