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Spatial Clustering with Obstacles Constraints Based on Genetic Algorithms and K-Medoids
Xueping Zhang, Jiayao Wang, Fang Wu
Vol. 6 No. 10 pp. 109-114
Spatial Clustering, Genetic Algorithms, K-Medoids Algorithm, Obstacles Constraints
Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Collective Movement in Nanorobots
Khin Haymar Saw Hla, YoungSik Choi, Jong Sou Park
Vol. 8 No. 11 pp. 302-309
particle swarm optimization, coverage, nanorobots, nanomedicine, obstacles avoidance
Measurement and Modeling of Path Loss for GSM900 in Sub Urban Environment over Irregular Terrain
Shalangwa, D. A., Singh, S. K.
Vol. 10 No. 8 pp. 268-274
Signal strength, Model, Investigation, Propagation, Environment, Obstacle and GSM
Analysis and Simulation of 3D Trajectory with Obstacle Avoidance of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Optimum Performance
Sami A, Mostafa, Ayman M. M. Brisha
Vol. 12 No. 3 pp. 43-50
AUV Path planning, AUV 3D trajectory, Obstacle avoidance, OAWPF algorithm