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Analysis and Simulation of 3D Trajectory with Obstacle Avoidance of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Optimum Performance
Sami A, Mostafa, Ayman M. M. Brisha
Citation |
Vol. 12 No. 3 pp. 43-50
The navigation of an autonomous underwater vehicle in both horizontal and vertical planes is considered a problem that has to be solved. Obstacle avoidance for such vehicles while path following in X_Z plane is also considered a point under research. In the present work, a proposed obstacle avoidance while path following (OAWPF) algorithm is designed to simulate the 3D trajectory of such a vehicle. Different obstacle shapes are used to evaluate the algorithm performance in both horizontal and vertical planes. The dynamics of the vehicle and the sea floor environmental conditions are analyzed while designing the OAWPF algorithm. A Matlab programming environment is utilized to simulate and evaluate the algorithm. The results show that the algorithm is robust and dynamic. It improves and secures the vehicle navigation against facing obstacles.
AUV Path planning, AUV 3D trajectory, Obstacle avoidance, OAWPF algorithm