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Robust Legendre Moments Ellipse Fitting from Noisy Image
Hassan Qjidaa, Abdeljabbar. Cherkaoui, Sanae. Benzoubir, Anas. El Affar, Khalid. Firdouss
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 47-53
Ellipse fitting, Legendre moments, Probability density function, Maximum Entropy Principal, least squares
Krawtchouk Moment Feature Extraction for Neural Arabic Handwritten Words Recognition
Anass El affar, Khalid Ferdous, Abdeljabbar Cherkaoui, Hakim El fadili, Hassan Qjidaa
Vol. 9 No. 1 pp. 417-423
Method of moments, invariant krawtchouk moments, multilayer feedforward neural network, Arabic handwritten recognition
An Efficient dimension reduction algorithm to extract dorsal hand vein pattern based on Generalized Method of Moments and Moore-Penrose generalized inverse procedure
Naushad Ali Mamode Khan, Maleika Heenaye-Mamode Khan
Vol. 9 No. 12 pp. 44-48
Dorsal hand vein pattern, generalized method of moments, Moore- Penrose inverse
Reconstructing an image by blocks with Legendre Moments
Sanaa El Mrini, Mohammed Hamri
Vol. 11 No. 8 pp. 119-122
Orthogonal Legendre moments, Zernike Moments, Moment Invariants