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Krawtchouk Moment Feature Extraction for Neural Arabic Handwritten Words Recognition
Anass El affar, Khalid Ferdous, Abdeljabbar Cherkaoui, Hakim El fadili, Hassan Qjidaa
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 1 pp. 417-423
This paper proposes a new approach investigating the application of moment method to evaluate a set of candidate features and to select an informative subset to be used as input data for a neural network classifier. The first step (pre-processing) of proposed method takes into account the discriminative properties of invariant krawtchouk moments. The second step (recognition) is achieved by using multilayer feedforward neural network (MFNN) as a classifier with the stochastic back propagation as a learning algorithm. Finite vectors obtained as a result in the pre-processing phase are then fed into the neural network system. We demonstrate experimentally that the choice of a kratchouk moment subset which contains sufficient and discriminative information about the input pattern is crucial in the convergence of the neural network training algorithm to a satisfactory performance level. The proposed method has been tested on the well known IFN/ENIT database of Arabic handwritten words. It produces excellent and encouraging result by reducing the computational burden of the recognition system and presenting a high recognition rate with good generalization ability.
Method of moments, invariant krawtchouk moments, multilayer feedforward neural network, Arabic handwritten recognition