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GIDRE: Environment of Detection and Answer of Intrusions based on GRID
Olimpia Olgu?n, Manel M?dina
Vol. 7 No. 4 pp. 232-241
GRID, attacks, Firewalls, IDS, ADS.
Detection of DDoS and IDS Evasion Attacks in a High-Speed Networks Environment
Jin-Tae Oh, Sang-Kil Park, Jong-Soo Jang, Yong-Hee Jeon
Vol. 7 No. 6 pp. 124-131
IDS(Intrusion Detection System), DoS(Denial of Service) attack, Bandwidth Control, IDS evasion attack
Network-based Hybrid Intrusion Detection and Honeysystems as Active Reaction Schemes
Pedro Garc?a-Teodoro, Jes?s E. D?az-Verdejo, Gabriel Maci?-Fern?ndez, Leovigildo S?nchez-Casado
Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 62-70
Intrusion, Attack, Anomaly, IDS, IRS, Honeysystem
Abnormal Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Network by Pair Based Approach using IDS Secure Routing Methodology
Khandakar Rashed Ahmed, A.S.M Shihavuddin, Kabir Ahmed, Shirajum Munir, Anwar Asad
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 339-342
Abnormal Node Detection, Wireless Sensor Network, IDS