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Network-based Hybrid Intrusion Detection and Honeysystems as Active Reaction Schemes


Pedro Garc?a-Teodoro, Jes?s E. D?az-Verdejo, Gabriel Maci?-Fern?ndez, Leovigildo S?nchez-Casado


Vol. 7  No. 10  pp. 62-70


This paper presents some proposals and contributions in network-based intrusion-related technologies. Two key points are discussed in this line: anomaly-based intrusion detection, and active response mechanisms. The first issue is mainly focused on the consideration of a stochastic approach to model the normal behavior of the network system to be monitored and protected. This anomaly-based detection methodology is combined with a signature-based one, thus resulting in a hybrid detection system, in order to improve the overall detection throughput. On the other hand, a honeysystem-based approach is also introduced to deal with the development of a pro-active response mechanism in the context of intrusion detection technologies. Both of the aspects, detection and reaction, will be studied as functional modules of an integral intrusion platform developed from a current available IDS tool.


Intrusion, Attack, Anomaly, IDS, IRS, Honeysystem