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Disparage the Barriers of Journal Citation Reports (JCR)


Soobia Saeed, NZ Jhanjhi, Mehmood Naqvi, Nazir A. Malik, Mamoona Humayun


Vol. 19  No. 5  pp. 156-175


Journal Citation Reports (JCR) formally Journal Record Impact Factor (IF) as a measure of the impact and impact of a particular journal compared to other journals in the same part of the research, the average number of citations to the articles published in a particular journal. While the impact factor attracts more attention and is often used than other measures, it is showing to criticisms that conquer the impact factor characteristics. Severely, the comprehensive use of articles and the behavior of researchers that could jeopardize the quality of scientific articles can cause destruction. In this context, it is time for the convenience and importance of a new development of journal ranking strategies after the journal impact factor from the invention. In addition, many universities focus not on the quality of the article but on the impact factor journals for the promotion criteria of the employee. One of the points of criticism is to ask the reviewers for a review process as a third party and also to give less importance to developing countries.


Impact factor (IF), journal ranking, criticism, Scopus, web of science, self-citation