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Factors Contributing in Failures of Software Projects


Muhammad Hamid, Furkh Zeshan, Adnan Ahmad and Esma Aimeur


Vol. 19  No. 5  pp. 62-77


Software Project management (SPM) is a vital concern for software industries to follow best practices for successful project completion. Despite the rich availability of SPM literature, every year around 70% of projects cannot gain successful completion worldwide. Software failure impacts the software industry in terms of reduced revenue, development teams with stress and reduced motivation, general population in terms of jobs reduction and the whole country in terms of reduced exports. This study explores the literature on SPM with the objectives of identifying major contributing factors in software failure. The current study, identi?ed 2171 research studies out of which 68 have been thoroughly analyzed, after applying guidelines of inclusion and exclusion. The analysis of 68 selected research papers highlighted 13 influencing factors toward software project failure, with four major, five significant and four insignificant factors, where the major factors are incorrect cost and time estimation. The analysis included 35.29% empirical studies, 47.06% general literature review and 17.65% case studies. The analysis also reflected that 86.77% papers only examined the state of the art while only 13.23% of research studies discussed some algorithm to reduce failure. Further, the analysis found that only 4.41%, studies developed some automation tool for reducing some failure factor while 95.59% of studies did not developed any tool. The ?ndings of this study provide future insights for SPM research as well as the software industry to increase the ratio of successful projects.


Software project management, Software development, Software failure factors