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Switching behavior in mobile phone sector: The case of mobile number portability in Morocco


Ahmed Kensi, Hafid Barka, Nasr Hajji


Vol. 19  No. 5  pp. 53-61


Study goals and objectives: This paper attempts to study the impact of the implementation of the mobile number portability (MNP) on the holders of mobile numbers (postpaid and prepaid) in Morocco by examining consumer perception and behavior towards Mobile Number Portability (MNP). Study design, methodology and approach: This study collected data on subscribers who have switched mobile operators between the second quarter of 2016 and the second quarter of 2017. Data were collected and analyzed statistically using ANOVA (analysis of variance) and logistic regression. The evaluation findings: The statistical analysis showed that subscribers find the switching barrier quite high, which still acts as a disincentive to make changes. Although mobile number portability (MNP) has significantly reduced switching costs, these are still quite significant. Mobile Telecommunication firms have identified the importance of switching barriers and customer loyalty in the process of setting up marketing strategies to retain their subscribers. Limits on the search: The results show that MNP has directly affected industries on a larger scale, far more than subscribers, suggesting implications for regulators on the one hand, and industries on the other. Inevitably this raises a question: How to effectively implement MNP to reach the objectives and how to achieve competitive advantage with MNP? Research value of the record: The paper advances our knowledge in the impact of industrial policy on consumer behavior in marketing, but we also noted a particular attention at the individual level, such as the behavior or perception of subscribers and their motivations for changing or remaining with mobile carriers (operators) with the introduction of MNP.


mobile number portability, switching behavior, telecommunication service in Morocco, perception, competition.