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Universities' Global Ranking Criteria Modification According to the Analysis of Their Websites


Mohammed Abdullah Hassan Al-Hagery


Vol. 17  No. 12  pp. 67-78


Global universities are subject to the academic ranking every year. One of the common ranking types that are applied annually is called the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). It developed by a team of researchers and experts. The ARWU is composed of a set of common criteria related to academic tasks and it does not include any indication or factor relevant to the recent technology, such as the websites of universities. Actually, there is a lack to find out the relationship between universities' global ranking and their website features. Therefore, this research aimed at updating the current ranking model by adding a new criterion reflexing the websites' features related to its contents and structure. This research focuses on universities as two classes ranked and unranked. This process includes extract, analyze websites' datasets, visualize the initial results, study the relationship and the significant differences between the two classes if found, and modify the ARWU by updating the criteria list & their weights. A special S/W tool applied to analyze websites and to extract the required data. This research contributes to modify and enhance the ARWU model to be more comprehensive than the current one. The involvement of universities' websites in the ranking process will encourage universities to improve their websites to achieve a higher-ranking level amongst leading universities. Furthermore, it gives a good chance for all universities to participate in the global ranking competition, especially the universities that have excellent outcomes and perfect websites.


Universities Evaluation Academic Ranking Ranking Criteria Hyperlinks Analysis Data Extraction Data Analysis Learning Outcomes.