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Towards a standardized multiview oriented architecture SOA integrating hybrid Cloud


Rida Boukour, Ahmed Ettalbi


Vol. 17  No. 12  pp. 27-32


Service-oriented architecture (¡°SOA¡±) is one of the interesting models that facilitate the integration between many heterogeneous applications. However, this architecture is limited due to its inabil-ity to adapt to the users specific needs and profiles. In our previous work, we have proposed an extension of the architecture SOA called Multiview Service-Oriented Architecture (¡°MVSOA¡±) that meets the adaptation requirements. To realize such architecture, we have introduced components, which transform the architecture SOA to a MVSOA. These components are introduced only into the client side architecture. In the present paper, we have out-sourced one of the MVSOA architecture components: the Mul-tiview service generator, using the hybrid Cloud, in order to have a standardized public MVSOA architecture available for any con-sumer of services.


Architecture, SOA, MVSOA, Multiview, Cloud Hybrid, Generator, Service