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Design of Face Recognition System based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)


Yahia Said, Mohammad Barr, and Hossam Eddine Ahmed


Vol. 25  No. 3  pp. 199-205


Face recognition is an important function of video surveillance systems to enable the verification and identification of people who appear in a scene captured by a distributed network of cameras. The recognition of people from the faces in images arouses great interest in the scientific community; this is partly because of the application interests but also because of the challenge that this represents for artificial vision algorithms. They must be able to cope with the great variability of the aspects of the faces themselves as well as the variations of the shooting parameters (pose, lighting, haircut, expression, background, etc.). This paper aims to develop a face recognition application for a biometric system based on Convolutional Neural Networks. It's about proposing a structure of a Deep Learning model which makes it possible to improve the precisions existing in the state of the art and the processing time by images.


Face Recognition, Biometrics, Convolutional Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning.