Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to radicalization which may lead to extremism, more specific with the technology advances which bear a potential for easier communication and networking. Radicals, violent extremists and terrorists are able to reach a wider audience due to their narratives and technologies available such as social media networks. They use such them to extremist ideology, promote radicalized views, and recruit new members worldwide, and young people are especially at risk. Researcher and policymakers increasingly concern on understanding the processes of extremism to be able to control youth violent extremism. Empirical studies have been conducted to address the topic of social media and violent extremism. However, most of the related studies focused on analyzing content on social media to detect extremism using AI and machine learning techniques narratives. Less attention has been given on understanding the extremism behavior of the extremists followers in social media groups, pages and forums. This research aims at proposing a model of extremism behavior among the young followers of radicalism, extremism or terrorism content in social media. By exploring the extremism behavior in the context of social media and revisiting the related theories, an integrated model is proposed to identify the factors influencing young people extremism behavior in the context of social media. The proposed model may promote the general understanding of the extremism behavior among young followers of radical content on social media platforms. It also, may provide new insights for policy makers to create more effective counter-radicalization programs to protect young people being dragged to extremism acts.