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Amelioration of LTE¡¯s Network (4G) Performance by Interference Reducing Mechanism


Tenena Sekongo, Soungalo TRAORE, EDI Kouassi Hilaire


Vol. 25  No. 2  pp. 236-243


The proliferation of mobile communication systems is growing rapidly in terms of subscriber numbers, and users are expressing increased expectations for better quality of service and extended coverage with robust signals, particularly in areas where coverage is inadequate.The HetNet concept integrates small coverage cells, called femtocells, with existing macrocells. These extra layers of cells introduce interference that affects user equipment in neighboring macrocells (MUE) and femtocells (FUE), degrading network performance. The strategy proposed in this paper aims to mitigate the impact of interference on users by optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SINR) received by FUEs and MUEs. The proposed strategy utilizes a utility function that enables each user to select which interfering signals to cancel, thereby optimizing the cancellation rate for each interfering signal and the overall cancellation ratios. This approach serves to reduce implementation complexity while maximizing SINR, QoS, and throughput.To assess the effectiveness of the strategy, a system-level LTE simulator was adapted and validated to support HetNet's LTE network configuration. The HetNet LTE simulator is employed to assess the performance of the HetNet LTE network and to support it with various system-level simulations.These demonstrate that overall network performance and user experience, as measured by total throughput and received signal-to-noise ratio, respectively, are significantly improved.The effectiveness of the new mechanism is evident in its ability to produce throughput gains of up to 200% compared to a homogeneous LTE network without IC (interference cancellation). Our study shows that interference cancellation increases the throughput of an LTE HetNet network by 48% for each additional femtocell base station.


HetNet LTE ; Femto cell ; HeNB ; eNB ; Interference DL..