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eHealth Care Development in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Problems in e-Health Systems


Dr. Mohammad N. Alanazi


Vol. 25  No. 2  pp. 105-116


This systematic review aimed at identifying the challenges and problems of e-health in Saudi Arabia. This information is essential for subsequent identification of e-health modelling requirements and e-health opportunities in the country. The topic itself was used as the search term in Google Scholar resulting in selecting 19 papers for the actual review. The review results have been presented as abstracted findings of each selected paper (additional document) and categorisation of papers based on topics, types and research methods used in the papers. The most important compilation was consolidation of problems, challenges and barriers identified by different authors into broad groups aimed at identifying the most frequent problems and challenged reported by these authors. The tabulated data showed 19 papers to be directly dealing with the topic of this review. The remaining 9 were dealing with other topics, but barriers, problems or challenges were parts of the study. There were 8 conference papers and 11 journal papers. Surveys were the most used (10) among the research methods categorised. Some papers used more than one method. In the case of frequency of papers dealing with different problems, barriers or challenges, 29 occasions of technological and 20 occasions of ICT infrastructure-related and 13 occasions of organisational and psychosocial factors were obtained. In some papers, more than one method of the study was used, and in all the methods, similar or different barriers were identified. These results have been discussed and three recommendations have been given.


eHealth Care, Challenges and Problems, e-health System