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A Telemedicine Rural Suggested Testbed
Ibrahim Monia, Dadi Mohamed.Bechir, RHAIMI B. Chibani
Citation |
Vol. 25 No. 1 pp. 37-40
Various disciplines have been concerned by digital transformation. One can name examples, attesting that worldwide trend, like smart homes, transport, Health, Industry. . . Particularly, medicine practices were widely enhanced by taking advantages of information processing added by a more developed communication technology (ICT). This paper talks about Telemedicine in rural zones. 5G Mobile networks have the potential to bring advancement to this digital transformation in healthcare sector. Various services are reviewed and updated. This will surely help to easily offering medical services for rural and isolated zones as deprived areas. This will be deeply shown towards our paper.
Rural zone, Radio Mobile Networks 5G, Telemedicine, service.