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Secret P-box based Mutual Authentication Mechanism for Cloud Computing
Mandeeep Kaur and Dr. Prachi Garg
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 12 pp. 53-62
Cloud computing is an emerging business model popularized during the last few years by the IT industry. Providing Everything as a Service has shifted many organizations to choose cloud-based services. However, some companies still fear shifting their data to the cloud due to issues related to the security and privacy. The paper suggests a novel mutual authentication mechanism using Secret P-box based Mutual Authentication Mechanism (SPMAM) on the criticality of information. It uses a particular passcodes from one of the secret P-box to act as challenge to one party. The response is another passcode from other P-box. The mechanism is designed in a way that the response given by a party to a challenge is itself a new challenge for the other party. Access to data is provided after ensuring certain number of correct challenge-responses. The complexity can be dynamically updated on basis of criticality of the information and trust factor between the two parties. The communication is encrypted and time-stamped to avoid interceptions and reuse. Overall, it is good authentication mechanism without the use of expensive devices and participation of a trusted third party.
Access control, Mutual authentication, Cloud computing, Data Security,