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Location Aware Secure Multicast Routing Protocol for balancing Energy and Security in Wireless Sensor Network
D. Bhanu, Dr. N. Mohana Sundaram, and Dr. R. Santhosh
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 11 pp. 125-132
Data authentication and Energy Efficiency is one of the major tasks data transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks. In existing schemes, there was no analysis or steps made for balancing data integrity and energy consumption of clusters in the network. In this research work, Query based Location Aware Secure Multicast Routing for Wireless Sensor Network is proposed to attain energy efficiency and security. There are three modules involved here. In first module, network model and system overview is introduced to attain more network lifetime. In second module, advanced encryption standard and RC6 algorithm was introduced to provide authentication and data integrity. In third phase, efficient energy routes are established and demonstrated to illustrate network reliability. The proposed protocol is simulated with network simulator tool to analyze the network performance metrics.
Network model, system overview, efficient energy routing, encryption and decryption scheme.