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Design of Triple Key Security Algorithm and Identification of Single-key Attack on Multiple Rounds in Mobile Communications


Muhammad Akram, Syed Ashraf Ali, C. A.Rahim


Vol. 24  No. 10  pp. 169-181


In cipher algorithms, encryption and decryption is based on the same key. There are some limitations in cipher algorithms, for example in polyalphabetic substitution cipher the key size must be equal to plaintext otherwise it will be repeated and if the key is known then encryption become useless. This paper aims to improve the said limitations by a proposed algorithm TKSA in which the key is modified on polyalphabetic substitution cipher to maintain the size of key and plaintext. Each plaintext character is substituted by alternative message. The mode of substitution is transformed cyclically which depends on a current position of the modified communication. Three keys are used in encryption and decryption process on 8 or 16 rounds with the XOR of 1st key. This study also identifies a single-key attack on multiple rounds block cipher in mobile communications and applied the proposed technique to prevent the attack. By utilization of the TKSA algorithm, the decryption is illustrated, and security is analyzed in detail with mathematical examples.


Camera ready paper, TEM Journal.