For many sensor network applications, minimizing the energy consumed as well as extending the network lifetime are the most important
objectives to be achieved, these objectives have pushed the scientific
community to propose new solutions to minimize the total energy consumed by the sensors without degrading the network performances,
amongst the proposed solutions, the clustering techniques. In this work
we focus on hierarchical routing protocols, more precisely clustering
in wireless sensor networks. We propose an energy-efficient hierarchical routing protocol for WSNs called EEV-LEACH (Energy Efficient
Vice Low Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), which represents a new variant of the LEACH protocol. Our energy-efficient protocol aims to
maximize the lifetime of the network, by minimizing the energy consumption of each sensors nodes and cluster-heads. Minimizing the wasted energy by each sensor node is achieved by minimizing the periodic
selection of CHs in each round. Minimizing the periodic selection of
CHs allows decreasing the association messages exchanged between the
CH and the nodes, so the consumed energy and overhead are minimized. EEV-LEACH aims also to minimize the energy consumed by the cluster-heads (CHs) by using vice CHs , which will share the workload with the CHs in an alternative way. The performances of our protocol EEV-LEACH is compared to, LEACH, LEACH-S and TL-LEACH by using MATLAB simulator, the results show that EEVLEACH protocol extend the network lifetime and it minimizes the overall overhead versus LEACH, LEACH-S and TL-LEACH protocols.
Wireless Sensor Network, hierarchical Routing Protocol, Network Lifetime, LEACH, overhead, vice CHs.