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Innovative Teaching Technologies as a Way to Increase Students Competitiveness
Olena M. Galynska, Nataliia V. Shkoliar, Zoriana I. Dziubata, Svitlana V. Kravets, Nataliia S. Levchyk
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 7 pp. 157-169
The article presents an analysis of innovative teaching technologies as a way to increase students competitiveness. The author found that innovative technologies in education are information and communication technologies relying on computer-based learning. The structure, content of educational software, organization of Web-space are important when using innovative teaching technologies in English classes. We conducted the study in several stages: comparative analysis, synthesis, classification and systematization of the results of psychological and pedagogical, educational and methodological research; study of legislative acts, periodicals in order to identify the state of the research issue, and determining the directions of its solution, as well as subject, goal and objectives of the study. We used modelling to create situations of foreign language professional communication of future IT specialists. Empirical methods involved questionnaires used for identifying the motives of professional development and determining the features of the educational activities of future IT specialists in the process of training. The methods of mathematical statistics allowed to scientifically describe and systematize the obtained data, to identify the quantitative relationship between the studied phenomena,
innovative teaching technologies, IT specialist, information and communication technologies, business game technology, case study technology.