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Comparative Analysis of Low-pass Microstrip Filter Performances for Two Different Dielectric Materials


Samah Khmailia and Abdelkader MAMI


Vol. 24  No. 7  pp. 118-122


The dielectric material is a basic element which impacts considerably on a microstrip structure performances. This project demonstrates how filter performances such as gain, bandwidth, return loss and insertion loss change proportionally with substrate material variation. The RT/Duroid 5880 and the FR-4 are two dielectric materials proposed as substrates of a low pass microstrip filter. The design and simulation are done on ADS software. The transmission and reflection characteristics show that the RT/ Duroid 5880 as a dielectric substrate permits to obtain better performance as compared to the FR-4 substrate.


Microstrip low pass filter, dielectric material, substrate, return and insertion loss, performances..